
The Innombrable portal

Caution: this video contains fast flashing images.

This work aims to blend digital collage making, 3d blob drawing, virtual reality painting, and video to simultaneously express and document memories and my desires. Through this process of collage, I nurture my queer identity as an Andinx person. I have been learning Quechua for over a year, with the goal to be fluent like my father and grandparents. Learning the language requires me to learn about the history of indigenous resistance throughout the Andes (Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru), and the political, cosmological, and philosophical systems that existed before the Spanish, and that are continuing to change and resist today. It also requires me to shift my thinking, to be especially critical of the Judeo-Christian imposition of cis-hetero dominance onto the people (and the language), and the subsequent rejection of any indigenous sexualities or gender identities that were deemed unnameable (La Imposición de la Heterosexualidad en el Mundo Andino, Edgar Soliz Guzmán). The video begins with the word hucha, its shape beginning to transform through distortion, colour, inserted images, text, and sound. This is an effort to detangle Judeo-Christian imposed meaning and shame from the WORD. Hucha (the earliest recovered definition): failure to follow something through, heavy feeling created by humans. Hucha (Post-evangelization and colonization): sin/pecado, fault/culpa, offence, crime. (Source: Quechua Spanish English Dictionary by Odi Gonazales, Christine Mladie Janney, Emily Fjaellen Thompson, QichwaDic App) As a questioning-genderqueer person of indigenous descent, and navigating a Christian dominant society, I am a living, breathing failure of cis-heteronormativity. With this work, I want to play into my cis-heteronormative “failures” and indigenous queer “wins”.

A playlist of waynus, salays, kantus, tinkus, and a saya homenaje to the late Mirna Lorena Barra Barra.

A collection of videos including recipes, demonstrations on making ollas, watus o manillas, panpipe playing technique, and varias sabidurias andinas y mas.

Reading #1 (in spanish)

Reading #2 (in spanish)

Reading #3 (in spanish)