
Everything is Everything: Spirit of Five

Friday, October 6, 2017

20 Minutes

Wind in the leaves collective presents Everything is Everything: Spirit of 5, which takes as its focus the connection between worlds – spirit and physical – and the relationship between all things as a source of wonder and something to struggle for.

This work connects to ancestral voices that challenge contemporary Western values of knowing, offering ways of seeing that draw on Indigenous and African diasporic aesthetics and body memory to see each piece as a voice to each other and to all worlds.

The performance combines the poetry of charles c. smith with the choreography of Aria Evans and Jesse Dell, and will be performed by charles c smith, Lilia Leon and Yui Ugai.

October 6, 2017 at 7:30 PM


charles c. smith


Lilia Leon

Yui Ugai

Choreography & Video Design

Aria Evan

Jesse Dell

About the artist

charles c. smith is a published poet, playwright and essayist who has written and edited twelve books. He won second prize for his play Last Days for the Desperate from Black Theatre Canada, has edited three collections of poetry, has four published books of poetry – including Partial Lives- Williams Wallace Press, and travelogue of the bereaved, Mawanzi House (formerly TSAR Publications) – and his poetry has appeared in numerous journals and magazines, including Poetry Canada Review, the Quille and Quire, Descant, Dandelion, the Amethyst Review, Bywords, Canadian Ethnic Studies, and others. He has received grants from the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council for both his poetry and for his work with the wind in the leaves collective where he is artistic director of a multidisciplinary performance group involving dance, image, recorded and live music based on his poetry. His next book of poems, ‘destination out’, has been accepted for publication by Tightrope Press for release in 2018.