

Falciony Patiño

jueves, 28 de septiembre, 2023


Mirror es una pieza que incorpora danza, juegos artísticos, y sistemas de entrenamiento físico como el Parkour y Movimientos Animales, para crear un vocabulario de movimiento único. La audiencia se convierte en una entidad activa en el espacio performativo, reflejando la idea de que la vida está llena de obstáculos por superar. Por medio de la improvisación y la reflexión, los danzantes revelan sus historias personales, y adoptan el uso de espejos como instrumentos para desatar su potencial. La pieza también aborda la necesidad de tener una representación cultural más amplia en la comunidad de la danza, buscando reducir la disparidad entre los círculos artísticos y el público en general.

28 de septiembre, 2023 a las 19:30


Los boletos pueden ser adquiridos por medio de la página web de Factory Theatre indicada arriba. Un solo boleto da acceso a todas las presentaciones de esa noche, y están disponibles como paga lo puedas, en la escala de: $15, $30, $60.

Creator, Choreographer

Falciony Patiño


Erika Suarez


Isabel Estrada


Cheryl Chan

Acerca del Artista

Falciony Patiño was born in Funza, Colombia. He began his training in Colombian folk dance at the age of seven with the group Zaquesazipa, in Funza. After finishing high school, Patiño got into the Superior Academy of Arts of Bogota (ASAB) to study contemporary dance. During his time at ASAB, he was part of the folk group Orkeseos. In 2009 he moved to Toronto to join Ballet Creole as a student and a company member. In the spring of 2012 Patiño created Cabildo, a group that explores a contemporary approach to Colombian folk dance. In 2013  he was part of  Newton Moraes Dance Theatre with the piece Brazil, the Land of Tears and Soul, and in 2016 and 2019 with Testosterone. In 2015 Alejandro Ronceria invited him to be part of a show, Amalgama, in the Pan American games. In 2016 Falciony danced for Kaha:Wi Dance Theatre as a part of The Honoring, and since 2017 he has been doing Mistatim, an unforgettable story of reconciliation for children; a creation of Red Sky Performance. In 2019 he and two other Colombians created the Poporo collective, and in 2019 the Little Pear Garden dance company invited him to be part of All About Meeting You and also Unleash in 2020, an amazing short film. Since he was very young he has been experimenting with different dance styles from folk dance, ballet and contemporary to afro, urban dance, capoeira and parkour. Dance is what drives Patiño out of the ordinary.